Silly Google! You’re going to have to invent a time machine to solve aging because that problem has already been solved.
Just read my book, “Telomere Timebombs: Defusing the terror of aging”
Seriously, someone please have Art Levinson call me and we’ll set up a randomized controlled trial accelerator and prove what I’ve been seeing in my patients is true: that aging and disease are reversible and their cause is best understood by my unified by a theory of telomere erosion in stem cells!!
I’ve got a cool idea if Art and Mr. Peabody do create a “way back machine”... why don’t we create an internet based program that will search and sort by relevance and then sell keywords to advertisers? Can I get some venture capital money for that one??
An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. Gandhi