People say that when you are ready, love will find you. I would like to add that if it does, never let it go because as Stevie Nicks sang "Lightnight strikes, maybe once. Maybe twice. And it all comes down to you."
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Words of wit and wisdom from a sassy 100-year-old

Thank you to my friend Gentry for sending this nice clip featuring Dorothy Custer regaling Jay Leno about her dress blowing up over her head this week and her first date in the 1930’s


She is a hoot!


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When I watch her compare it with the video I did in tribute to Soledad Mexia, who passed at the age of 114 a few months ago, I see some common traits:

Optimism, humor, and true love.

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Today, I had a wonderful couple in my office that were chronologically in their 60’s but were so supportive and loving to each other.


People say that when you are ready, love will find you. I would like to add that if it does, never let it go because as Stevie Nicks sang

Lightning strikes, maybe once. Maybe twice.  And it all comes down to you.


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