When I speak, I often open by asking the audience to introduce themselves to a neighbor and tell them “Idealy, I would like to live to ____ yrs”
It turns out that everyone wants to live to Christmas, most until 80, about 30% until 90, 15% until 100 and <5% to 120.
That is because of delusions (fixed false beliefs) about what chronological aging will entail in this new, post-telomerase activation world.
They assume getting old is getting sick. Nothing could be further from the truth. So I admonish the audience and tell them that notwithstanding political, social, and moral considerations, the best answer to how long you want to live is: “as long as I am healthy, happy, and productive.”
Read this article for discussion of how Sci-Fi dystopianism has deluded us and diluted out understanding of what it means to age in a healthy manner: http://tinyurl.com/k9j7xa3

I have also been guilty of dystopian visions of life extension with billionaires’s heads in glass jars of formaldehyde in my graphic novel, Maximum Lifespan
Here is an interview I did on the question of Maximum Lifespan: http://tinyurl.com/pol2lsb

1 thought on “Why DON’T people want to live to 120?”
Dr Park,
So Interesting & thoughtful, Thanks for your work & will get your book today.
Also would like to include you on our 2015 podcast.
Who might i speak to about that?