For today's #WesbinarWednesday, I'm going to let my friend and colleague, Dr. Michael Fossel, do the heavy lifting. He gives this wonderful 20-minute TED-like talk about why aging is a logical and reversible condition. Enjoy!
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Visionary Mike Fossel MD, PhD explains why aging is a choice

Dr. Fossel is a visionary and a Renaissance Man who is driven to bring Renaissance to you, quite literally!  He was kind enough to contribute this blurb for my book, “Telomere Timebombs: Defusing the terror of aging”

TTB Cover

“Dr. Park’s book offers a clear and friendly account of the role of
telomeres in causing age-related diseases and the enormous
potential of telomerase to prevent and cure age-related diseases by
reversing human aging at the genetic level. The tide is now racing
in and Dr. Park is on top of the wave, leading the way for patients
and clinicians worldwide.”
— Michael Fossel, MD, PhD.
Author of “Reversing Human Aging” and
“Cells, Aging, and Human Disease”

For today’s #WesbinarWednesday, I’m going to let my friend and colleague, Dr. Michael Fossel, do the heavy lifting. He gives this wonderful 20-minute TED-like talk about why aging is a logical and reversible condition.  Enjoy!


Mike Fossel



1 thought on “Visionary Mike Fossel MD, PhD explains why aging is a choice”

  1. bernie kitts

    Dr. Fossil gave a talk at the National Institute of Health in 1997 which was the first time I had heard about telomeres and their role in aging. He has authored books for Scientists and laymen alike. He said that it might be possible for someone to live 200 years.

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