I am going to pause blogs and making videos on exosomes. This is because I have shared most of what I can through my blogs, videos, webinars, and by book. If you want to learn what I’ve learned, you can always go to this link and download the latest list of educational materials.
Exosome Videos and Blogs
My last two lectures were in Spanish
I was asked to join the scientific advisory board of ISSCA (International Society for Stem Cell Application) and had a great time giving two lectures in Spanish. Although I’m not bilingual, the audience seem to enjoy the effort. Watch this first video explaining the role of exosomes in anti-aging and regenerative medicine. The second lecture was about exosome procedures.
Launching a weekly PODCAST
I will be launching a weekly podcast with people who have interesting wisdom about health and wellness. This will range from a variety of topics from thought leaders in all areas. Please subscribe at my YouTube channel “drpark65” by clicking here.