Tag: utopia
Real patient experiences

Wanna win $5M dollars and save the world?
All forms of human inequality and cruelty are emergent properties of the systems we create. Parents view children as wealth. Social groups view themselves in competition. Nations fight to preserve industry, borders, and populations. And people work to acquire privileged positions with regard to information, wealth, and influence.

How technology may destroy civilization as we know it
The biggest existential threat to civilization, not to humanity per se, is actually technology

Labor Day – What does it mean?
So what is the meaning of labor day? It is the end of summer, a castrated celebration of the worker’s right to have dignity despite the de facto acquiescence to the power to corporate feudal lords. It is also a reminder that the worker’s of the world will never dare to unite because inside each one of them is a latent fear of some Stalinist, atheistic, progressive agenda that would threaten the myth of free market, trickle down natural order.

Happy Earth Day! How overpopulated are we now? How can we all survive?
Gaia theory holds that the earth is a system. Since we are just an emergent part of the system, like a yeast colony, we cannot really destroy the earth despite our efforts to make a buck and enslave a few billion in the bargain. Happy Earth Day!

What if we had free energy and limitless health? Would that be dystopian?
So is it better to have a dystopia where people are wage slaves or a dystopia where people are bored? Free solar energy, low cost of production, labor, and transportation, and good health? To some plutocrats, that might seem like hell on earth; but to the other 99.9%, not so much.