Tag: time
Real patient experiences

What is aging? Exosomes lecture 2 of 9
In this 31-minute video, I explain what causes aging and how exosomes might play a role in contributing to it and reversing it.

Happy Back to the Future Day – Oct 21, 2015
When I get goosebumps from a pithy idea, a juicy synchronicity, or a deja vu, I feel as though perhaps time is not so linear. I guess if the Cubs win their next seven baseball games, perhaps someone will humor me and reopen this discussion?

Only a heart-centered view of the future can save us from ourselves
I do not defer to a notion of “common sense” because reasonable people can agree to disagree on anything from Planned Parenthood to Pol Pot’s political cleansing. Morality and ethics are luxuries that are afforded only those with the power to exercise them. What we as a a species need to defer to is the dominion of the heart.

102-yo Harlem Renaissance dancer sees herself dancing for the first time
In case you find it hard to see what the ravages of stem cell deterioration do to a person over 10 decades, watch as this wonderful woman, Alice, enjoys watching herself for the first time on film
Happy Chinese New Year! Here is an explanation of a solar year.
Today, Thursday February 19th, 2015, is the first day of the Chinese year of the Goat.
The Chinese year varies based on the Lunar year which is about 354.37 days, or twelve moon cycles with the intercalation (timekeeping) extra 13th month added every 2-3 years.
Interestingly, the Islamic New Year is purely lunar without intercalation and so the months bear no relation to the seasons.
Now, we all learned that a calendar year is 365 days with an extra day every 4 years (leap year)
But there are two other kinds of solar years: tropical and sidereal.