Every New Year’s Guide to aging
You had one ‘perfect’ copy of DNA in your chromosomes when you were a single cell fertilized ege. Since then, each copy has made successive generations progressively worse
You had one ‘perfect’ copy of DNA in your chromosomes when you were a single cell fertilized ege. Since then, each copy has made successive generations progressively worse
we discuss his amazing new book, The Telomerase Revolution, in which he explains why everyone with their pet theories and ideas about diet and what causes things from heart disease to Alzheimer’s, are all wrong.
People who reported two types of exercise were 24 percent less likely to have short telomeres; three types of exercise were 29 percent less likely; and those who had participated in all four types of activities were 59 percent less likely to have very short telomeres.
According to this Steve Harvey interview, 59-yo Dana Delany says her secrets to looking young are that she has never been married, doesn’t have kids, does yoga daily, and drinks wine.
Meet Liz Parris, CEO of BioViva, who last week divulged that that she herself was actually “Patient zero” or first patient was transfected. We are left to hope for the best, say thanks to Liz Parrish for taking a bold step towards her own personal immortality, and will watch and wait.
According to this study published by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm in JAMA Neurology this week, there is a statistical association between Alzheimer’s disease and shorter telomeres via the single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with telomere shortening.
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Exosomes and TA-65 are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any illness