Danazol lenghtens telomeres and stabilizes premature aging
A synthetic male hormone known as Danazol was tested for two years and lengthened telomeres and clinically stabilized disease
A synthetic male hormone known as Danazol was tested for two years and lengthened telomeres and clinically stabilized disease
Who gets to decide what is reliable science if I agree to this gag order? Their paid experts. It is a bit like a self-criticism exercise by a Stalinist dictatorship.
What if the stem cells, on a much slower level, are also undergoing gradual genetic mutations? That is the invisible elephant in the room.
Viva the search and long live the War of Aging and the Longevity Moonshot
The sad truth of this kind of genetic horoscope is that is pretty useless because it represents non-actionable and potentially inconsequential information.
The reason we cannot predict your age from telomeres is partially that the confidence intervals are so large.
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Exosomes and TA-65 are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any illness