Tag: telomere

Real patient experiences

Harvard/Northwestern VA study claims to predict cancer risk with telomere lengths

Men who developed cancers were compared with those that didn’t for the 13 years prior to diagnosis or exclusion by using a quantitative PCR measurement (which is problematic). Firstly, they found was two different curves with the cancer group showing a more rapid shortening trend. This is consistent with my stem cell theory of aging and most of the extant studies.

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Your choice of telomere articles today

I have not watched the entire Blackburn interview but if you are so inclined, have at it:

She is not looking any younger but does give an account of playing with ants as a girl in Australia.

Alternatively, you could look at the other Google Alerts for today about telomeres showing that protecting them reduces aging whereas permitting telomere recombination ages them:

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Telomerase in action (HD video)

Just a brief video showing an illustration of how telomerase works. I don’t believe there is an “End replication problem” as such because you want the non-stem cell ends to erode in the less valuable, differentiated and mortal cells. They are like drone bees that last months, unlike the queen bee stem cells which last years

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Dr. Park and patient interviewed by CBS news

In this brief segment from 2010, CBS news interviewed me about TA-65 a year after the Nobel Prize in Medicine was awarded for the discovery of telomerase, the substance that TA-65 “activates” and that keeps your stem cells from becoming damaged.

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Telomere testing now 1/2 price for a limited time

Until mid April, the cost of telomere testing will be lowered to just $500. Would you like to know how healthy your telomeres are? Let us mail you a testing kit. The cost includes a phone consultation with me regarding your results.

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Lobsters are immortal and maybe you can be too!

For tonight, I’ll let someone else do the heavy lifting. Dr. Joe Dispenza did a great job writing this article.

I have discussed this topic before, both with regard to lobsters and Dr. Blackburn’s study of men with prostate cancer.

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