Tag: telomere

Real patient experiences

Hip pain gone – now let’s dance!

I just wanted to let you know that the TA65 is working on my hip! Two surgeons recommended hip replacement but, then again, that is what they do! When I went to the physical therapist that Ron found, she said that she thought she could help me and she has!!!! I danced for 2 hours at a ballroom dance on Saturday night!!

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Ginsu knives can teach us something about the next 100 million dollars of telomere ‘research’

This endless, incremental, reiterative, and staid method of advancing knowledge is challenged by what I call the “Ginsu Principle”. You could sell many distinct knives for cutting bread, aluminum cans, tomatoes and wood. And you can have different theories for how these knives cut those substances. Or you could just accept that a knife can cut a lot of things because it’s sharp. Our research into telomere biology violates the Ginsu Principle in a big way.

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Dr. Titia de Lange wins prestigious Gairdner award for telomere studies

Titia de Lange, Ph.D., Leon Hess Professor; American Cancer Society Professor; Head, Laboratory of Cell Biology and Genetics; Director, Anderson Center for Cancer Research; Rockefeller University, New York.

Awarded the Gairdner Award for her discovery of the mechanisms by which mammalian telomeres are protected from deleterious DNA repair and damage responses.

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Walter’s story of reclaimed glory

The better sleep and more dreams. Better recovery. Pain in my back the first 10 days of use. Something was going on back there and I just let it take its course. The next 8 weeks no pain at all.

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Breastcancer.org is helping to prevent breast cancer through education

Today, I had the pleasure of listening to and meeting Dr. Marisa Weiss, founder of Breastcancer.org. Her talk was a fascinating review of their partnership with the Environmental Working Group with the tagline “Think Pink, Live Green”. I heard a ton of useful information about toxins that can be read here: http://www.breastcancer.org/risk

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exosome treatments?

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