Even children “age” faster when they don’t sleep well
A study out of Princeton looking at 1,567 9-yo children found that for each hour less than the recommended 9-11 hours of sleep, they averaged 1.5% shorter telomeres.
A study out of Princeton looking at 1,567 9-yo children found that for each hour less than the recommended 9-11 hours of sleep, they averaged 1.5% shorter telomeres.
I feel younger, think I look younger, but you can’t be too careful when you are potentially changing the behavior of such a critical cellular function.
For today’s #ScienceSunday, I am going to have to discuss a murky subject brought on by the recent telomere results of my patients which arguably showed massive improvements in telomere length without commensurate increases in biological age. Here is the email I received:
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Exosomes and TA-65 are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any illness