Multiple Sclerosis linked to short telomeres
The reason that there is a link between telomeres and all diseases is both causative in the local organs and coincidental in your white blood cells.
The reason that there is a link between telomeres and all diseases is both causative in the local organs and coincidental in your white blood cells.
Taking telomerase activators appears to have not increased my objective telomere length as I’ve become older
In humans, the older your father was when he donated sperm, the longer the telomeres you tend to have
The results of my Physioage test are in and according to the composite model, I am 20 years younger
When we discuss the risk of telomere length to cancer risk, there are many studies but the conclusions we reach are limited by our simplistic assumptions.
So what we believe from this new study is that telomere that are too short are bad, telomeres that are too long are trimmed, and that telomeres that are just right are best.
DISCLAIMER: This website is for educational purposes only and is not for advertising. Telomerase activators and nanovesicles are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any disease and anecdotes are not scientific proof of efficacy. All patients were treated in the context of a fully informed and legally-protected patient physician relationship.
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© 2020 Recharge Biomedical
Exosomes and TA-65 are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any illness