Sleep “ontogeny” recapitulates phylogeny
My theory about sleep “ontogeny” is that since the early cycles differ from the later ones every night, could that also be recapitulating the evolutionary order in which they developed?
My theory about sleep “ontogeny” is that since the early cycles differ from the later ones every night, could that also be recapitulating the evolutionary order in which they developed?
At the Longevity Now conference, I know that my colleague Dave Woynarowski takes TA-65 and the sponsor of the event, David “Avocado” Wolfe on TA-65 also does.
What is interesting is that another of the gurus takes it but I won’t “out” him. He emalled me a couple of years back to pick my brain about TA-65 and this weekend I finally I had the opportunity to meet him
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Exosomes and TA-65 are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any illness