Mice CAN get muscular dystrophy after all
Research suggests turns out that mice can get the disease but that their longer telomeres often protect them and produce a mild disease form or phenotype
Research suggests turns out that mice can get the disease but that their longer telomeres often protect them and produce a mild disease form or phenotype
If you ask a friendly astrophysicist his opinion on something that he really hasn’t thought much about, he is going to regurgitate common knowledge
I am extremely grateful to be able to tell you that the FTC contacted my lawyers and informed them that I would be dropped from the suit against TA Sciences
When I write, I review the research that I can find and then open my mind up to what should be obvious if we only reject dogma and orthodoxy.
I just wanted to share this lecture that I gave in March of 2016 to the annual assembly of the Korean Anti-Aging Medicine in Seoul.
For fans of Star Trek, the current framing of defeating aging resembles the famous “Kobayashi Maru” Starfleet Academy simulation
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Exosomes and TA-65 are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any illness