Happy birthday to my Foundational Lectures!
5-years ago today, I released the first of my nine foundational exosome videos.
I think they have aged like fine wine!
5-years ago today, I released the first of my nine foundational exosome videos.
I think they have aged like fine wine!
Dr. Ed Park explains what proteins and mRNA are found in MSC exosomes and how they may be assisting in regeneration and anti-inflammation.
Attempts at helping the body repair have evolved over time. From masking symptoms, generating inflammation, and then using stem cells, everything has been leading up to the simple use of exosomes, the final common pathway to successful regeneration and healing.
Today is day 15 after injection and for the first time in a long time, this 80-yo completed his 5.8mile run without stopping to walk due to knee pain. He is very happy!
Dr. Duncan Ross, PhD and founder of Kimera Labs, addresses an audience a few days ago regarding basic exosome biology and some fascinating specifics about his process and the directions he sees the field taking in the futur
Two hours after intranasal injection of 2 billion exosomes, I experienced ASMR, or autonomic sensory meridian response
DISCLAIMER: This website is for educational purposes only and is not for advertising. Telomerase activators and nanovesicles are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any disease and anecdotes are not scientific proof of efficacy. All patients were treated in the context of a fully informed and legally-protected patient physician relationship.
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© 2020 Recharge Biomedical
Exosomes and TA-65 are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any illness