Tag: recharge biomedical
Real patient experiences
My 80yo patient now measures 20 years younger! (*after just three years of TA)
Anyway, thank you to our patient who through considerable faith and expense has provided a very interesting anecdote. If you stopped taking TA-65 because you didn’t feel anything you are not alone. But there is a measurable reason to believe that “the second year is even better than the first” as so many long-term patients have remarked.
Pete Seeger, a great soul, passes away at 94 (file under “For what it’s worth”)
Although his political convictions were divisive for many, he will be revered and remembered as a voice with a purpose. His was a life that forged an lasting impact on all of us. His beliefs, just as much as J. Edgar Hoover’s, provided the polarity required to power us forward as a species.
#stopthemyth – the important message of Bill and Melinda Gates
Bravo to Bill and Melinda Gates for their annual letter just released that explains why poor countries are not always going to be poor, why foreign aid is NOT a waste of money, and why Mathusian fears of overpopulation have never been justified by real world examples
Dr. Park will be interviewed on a live internet call-in radio show – WEDNESDAY January 22nd at 9AM PST
Donna Seebo will interview Dr. Park live about his new book
and his groundbreaking new unified theory of aging and disease
Please tune in if you are able!
Racism is like rust and rust is like telomere erosion. So It’s all “TRUE, TRUE, and Unrelated”?
The point I’m trying to make is that everything we think we “know” about racism, telomere length, and aging could be factually correct AND seemingly contradictory if we don’t get to a deeper understanding of how the islands of facts are connected when the water of appearances is drained from the oceans of meaning.