Jokes about politics, religion, race, and sex
Because I am an active listener and don’t take controversial positions unless I really know you well, people tend to tell off-color jokes around me.
Because I am an active listener and don’t take controversial positions unless I really know you well, people tend to tell off-color jokes around me.
Unfortunately, we are so distracted by who would satisfy our identity politics or be the lesser of two evils that we can’t even perceive the giant poles or smell the fresh turds.
Did you know 60% of US bankruptcies are due to medical bills?
everything we consider to be true is just a matter of perspective based on ignorance and fear of change
We are all murderers but the question is to what extent we are asleep, pretend to sleep, or are just incapable of grasping the immense cruelty that exceptionalism fosters in our politics. Is it our conscience that doth matkh cowards of us all or are we in fact just pretending to not know what is happening?
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Exosomes and TA-65 are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any illness