Tag: podcasts

Real patient experiences

Addictions represent impaired relearning from sleep dysfunction

This is one of my favorite webinars. In it, I discovered that the celebrities that seemed to die of addictions were really dying of their self-medication of sleep dysfunction. From Michael Jackson to Jimi Hendrix, the doctors’ cures and the distillers spirits only made the problem worse.

But efficient sleep can help with the unlearning of addictions and therefore adaptogens that enhance sleep function appear to help get off things like Ambien.

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Psoriasis webinar

Before 2007 when we started using TA-65 with psoriasis patients, we might have thought that was an immune enhancer might have been concerning for autoimmune-type diseases.

In the case of psoriasis and other conditions, immune-enhancing adaptogens don’t appear to worsen and may be associated with a benefit.

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Claudine’s testimonial- aka “The Panacea effect”

I am on TA 65 for a year now and have cut back on a lot of other supplements. I plan of taking TA 65 for the rest of my life. I am 57 years old and feel great. Thank you for your dedication, your educational webcasts and your book. It is all very much appreciated!

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Cholesterol is not the root problem – it is cellular aging!

For today’s #WebinarWednesday, I want to share a video I did about cholesterol. It seems that the meme questioning the wisdom of statins is spreading amongst mainstream medicine, which is great. Find out why “Lucy and Ethel” in the chocolate factory explains what is happening with the cholesterol levels.

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Thyroid function after TA65

The following patient clinically diagnoses himself with hyperthyroidism so I spoke with him about adjusting and the signs and symptoms required to manage this. I had to prepare him for “the talk” with his doctor who would poo-poo then accuse him of buying “magic beans” and possibly giving his children’s father cancer. Sigh.

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