Surgery as a metaphor for life
Most surgical problems come from operators who are afraid of something
Most surgical problems come from operators who are afraid of something
Because many people active create and hide from their “shadow side”, the experience of heightened dream efficiency can take the form of nightmares. If you are well integrated and have a stable and gracious relationship with your demons, then sleep will be pleasurable.
I believe one of the greatest benefits for people from taking these adaptogens is a spiritual housecleaning
This adaptogenically-enhanced “Lokahi”, or balancing flow of repressed neurosis, will eventually reset the mind/spirit/body to a better state but like a fever, it takes time to break. Bad feelings, anxieties, nightmares – they all serve a purpose. To minimize the frequency and severity of these catharses, focus on happy, abundant, and grateful thoughts before sleep. And it wouldn’t hurt to kiss the person next to you and tell them you love them.
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Exosomes and TA-65 are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any illness