Tag: longevity
Real patient experiences

114-years young – what’s her secret?
Laughter is truly the best medicine. See 112-yo Soledad Mexia joke around with her family. She was an amazing lady who interestingly grew black hair after taking a telomerase activator for only a few months- and it remained for two years until her death.

Dr. Park interviewed about living hundreds of years
For #WebinarWednesday, I want to post a 16-minute interview I did recently with author and thought-leader, G. Edward Griffin. In this though-provoking exchange, I explain where humanity is going and why we can live hundreds of years.
I predict that no one is every going to collect Social Security benefits although we will probably keep paying into the system. (Sorry Ben Franklin, it’s really only taxes we can count on now)

How to live to 115? I hate to say “I told you so…”
This article describes exactly what I’ve been saying for the last 6 years. My book, “Telomere Timebombs: defusing the terror of aging” outlines this exact and obvious conclusion: maintaining stem cell telomere integrity will allow for longer and healthier lives.