Exosomes 4: Back on the Treadmill Again
It appears that the benefits of tendon injection are gradual and continuous and are better at four weeks than at two weeks
It appears that the benefits of tendon injection are gradual and continuous and are better at four weeks than at two weeks
It is possible that the anti-inflammatory nature of the exosomes helped to relax the muscles, allowing for resolution of the whiplash and muscle spasms that were producing subluxation
Today is day 15 after injection and for the first time in a long time, this 80-yo completed his 5.8mile run without stopping to walk due to knee pain. He is very happy!
A 60-yo skier said you “use it or lose it” but it really isn’t that simple, is it? People age, the tendons, ligaments, and cartilage become less flexible, slower to regenerate, and injured with incomplete repair.
Nowadays, the encroachment of bean counters who pay us and patients who view us a mere technicians has many doctors feeling a sense of lost autonomy and increased “burn out”.
Dr. Duncan Ross, PhD and founder of Kimera Labs, addresses an audience a few days ago regarding basic exosome biology and some fascinating specifics about his process and the directions he sees the field taking in the futur
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© 2020 Recharge Biomedical
Exosomes and TA-65 are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any illness