Are all Exosomes Created Equal? Exosomes Lecture 6 of 9
Exosomes are all different. The cells are musicians that put messenger RNA, blocking RNA, and proteins into bespoke little packages that work like songs to make other cells “dance”
Exosomes are all different. The cells are musicians that put messenger RNA, blocking RNA, and proteins into bespoke little packages that work like songs to make other cells “dance”
“we don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are.” Evidence-based medicine and the doctrines of standard empiricism offer a structure for analyzing medical decision making but are not sufficient to describe the more tacit processes of expert clinical judgment
Attempts at helping the body repair have evolved over time. From masking symptoms, generating inflammation, and then using stem cells, everything has been leading up to the simple use of exosomes, the final common pathway to successful regeneration and healing.
I explain a new paradigm for cancer in which it is not rare, hereditary, nor incurable. Cancer is explained in terms of inevitable genetic mutation that is a normal feature of living but that is constantly being prevented and cured throughout our lives.
In this 18-minute video, I explain parabiosis, or the mixing of young and old organisms. I explain how exosomes might mediating the effect of young blood making older individuals younger.
In this 31-minute video, I explain what causes aging and how exosomes might play a role in contributing to it and reversing it.
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Exosomes and TA-65 are not FDA-approved to prevent or treat any illness