Tag: dystopia

Real patient experiences

Welcome to the machine?

There is no firewall or proxy that will ever protect us from ourselves because our consciousness is based on the emergent properties of trillions of cells and neuro-endocrine networks resonating along with god-knows-what. We need LESS computational power with fewer connections until we can master two contradictory ideas:

1) There is no truth that is not arbitrary and subjective

2) Truth and ethics must be driven by consistency and largely independent of agenda

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DEVO was prophetic about our modern man – but we can “Whip it!”

Most people don’t know there was a competing and long-deprecated alternative theory to Darwinism called Lamarckism. It suggested that individuals can direct their own phenotype (appearance and function) based on choices and behaviors. This idea that was left largely on the dust bin of scientific history in the 1930’s, has now been rehabilitated by the field of epigenetics in a big way.

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