Tag: Dr. Ed Park
Real patient experiences

My 80yo patient now measures 20 years younger! (*after just three years of TA)
Anyway, thank you to our patient who through considerable faith and expense has provided a very interesting anecdote. If you stopped taking TA-65 because you didn’t feel anything you are not alone. But there is a measurable reason to believe that “the second year is even better than the first” as so many long-term patients have remarked.
Short telomeres increase your risk of dying from coronary artery disease – “So what?!”
If I am an investigator with PhD candidates, I am given money. I need to use the money. Why not use it trying to make myself in an area of science that others aren’t that interested in so I can carve out a niche? Tenure. Eminence. Publications. And the band plays on.

Pete Seeger, a great soul, passes away at 94 (file under “For what it’s worth”)
Although his political convictions were divisive for many, he will be revered and remembered as a voice with a purpose. His was a life that forged an lasting impact on all of us. His beliefs, just as much as J. Edgar Hoover’s, provided the polarity required to power us forward as a species.
Dr. Park interviewed live on the The Donna Seebo Show
I was interviewed live on Wednesday January 22nd. The show runs about 30 minutes. We discuss why people used to look older in the classic movies and other fun stuff

Rave reviews for my book, “Telomere Timebombs: Defusing the terror of aging”
While TA-65 was selected on the basis of activating telomerase, the effects seem to go beyond what I would expect of just having longer telomeres. Dr. Park theorizes that there are at least 4 mechanisms of action: prevention, faster replication, stochastic, and apoptosis.