Tag: Dr. Ed Park

Real patient experiences

108 words written by Dani Sackman Carroll

I am responsible for the practice and growth of mindfulness in my own life. I understand that my actions and inactions cause a ripple effect throughout the world. Every day is a chance for me to discover even more about myself. Every moment is an opportunity for me to give others the space they need to be themselves. Within me exists a universe of awe, and every morning is a reminder of my duty to participate fully in the development of my life. This life is my inheritance as a human being and I will claim it by living as fully as I possibly can through compassionate participation.

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How is a stem cell like a queen bee?

Please sign up for Patrick Cox’s very fascinating and prolific newsletter. It recently mentioned mesenchymal stem cells, which are the subject of my 5th podcast and our “WednesdayWebinar’.

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Alzheimer’s risk linked to Telomere Length – (Oy Vey)

This is the latest study linking shorter telomeres to disease (there are over 10,000) that once again falls victim to proving obvious yet useless information. In this study, they linked smaller hippocampal volumes (seen in Alzheimer’s) with shorter white blood cell telomeres in a subset of women with a genetic prediliction for Alzheimers (the abnormal ApoE3 gene).

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Dr. Park interviewed about living hundreds of years

For #WebinarWednesday, I want to post a 16-minute interview I did recently with author and thought-leader, G. Edward Griffin. In this though-provoking exchange, I explain where humanity is going and why we can live hundreds of years.

I predict that no one is every going to collect Social Security benefits although we will probably keep paying into the system. (Sorry Ben Franklin, it’s really only taxes we can count on now)

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