Now Mr. Potter would rather be loved than feared
Our real world is quickly becoming “Bizarro Pottersville” as the most entitled and wealthy men on the planet calling for income redistribution.
Our real world is quickly becoming “Bizarro Pottersville” as the most entitled and wealthy men on the planet calling for income redistribution.
Today, it was announced that the MD Anderson Cancer Center decided it had wasted $62M on askng IBM’s Watson computer to cure cancer. It is not surprising, really…a machine cannot ask questions yet, it can only answer them.
Last night, I was helping my 11-yo son with his history assignment: a comic, showing the evolution of mankind from the stone age, to the neolithic, to the modern industrial phase. In Oliver’s last panel, his Homo sapiens sapiens concluded that the efficiencies of a mechanized world allowed them to enjoy being human.
This morning, I was pleased to find a similar sentiment from none less that Carlos Slim, the world’s richest man.
Bravo to Bill and Melinda Gates for their annual letter just released that explains why poor countries are not always going to be poor, why foreign aid is NOT a waste of money, and why Mathusian fears of overpopulation have never been justified by real world examples
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