Tag: Aging

Real patient experiences

My prophecies for the 50th College reunion

In 2014, it makes many of us sad to realize that our species as a whole, and we as individuals, have been inculcated with structure and meaning as defined by the things we are taught to fear: fear of death, aging, illness, poverty, being unloved, being irrelevant…

The greatest shifts in the human condition won’t be complete until our 75th anniversary in 2089 but surprisingly, most of us will be attending that one in good health at the age of 97!

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Thriving after breast cancer

Just yesterday, I was speaking with my patient who remarked that her 88 year old husband and she hadn’t gotten the usual colds for years since starting TA-65. If what we think about immune senescence being at the heart of aging, then it is encouraging that so many patients taking a telomerase activator report decreased severity and frequency of colds and flus.

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Honoring those who gave their lives

Tomorrow is Memorial Day here in the United States, a day when we honor those who died during war. For some historical perspective, here is a list of the seven most lethal wars that mankind has faced. Some people think wars are good for the economy. I don’t agree.

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