Tag: Aging

Real patient experiences

Aging genes and Oncogenes – what are they telling us?

So in a sense, good health is like keeping a bathtub full of clean water. The supply of water is nearly endless if we can keep the mesenchymal stem cell library frozen in our cartilage from aging when recruited. And if we can drain out the foul water (mutated stem cells), then we are going to be just fine.

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Are you driving with your lights off at night?

A youthful body and spirit are like a car with its lights on. It makes you visible and it makes everything around you brighter. A driver who has lost integration with his or her own environment and is merely preoccupied with what they see and whether it is enough to get them to their next stop may encounter problems that they never saw coming.

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“Satoshi” had the telomeres of an 85-year-old before taking TA-65

From the outset of his two year course of taking TA-65 at 4 capsules nightly, “Satoshi” (a pseudonym) began feeling healthy, his hair grew stronger, he began to dream vividly. His energy was through the roof and he never got the colds and flus that he used to. Even more interestingly, he grew about an inch in his inseam and his posture and scoliosis improved. All his life, he had felt like an old man, but now, he knew for the first time what if felt like to feel young.

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