About 12 years ago, I was giving a lecture about telomerase activation at the American Academy of Anti-Aging medicine and two female physicians came up to me afterward and invited me to dinner. I think it was the first time a female had every bought me dinner so it was memorable!
Again, in December of 2022, I was giving a new lecture about The Clinical use of Exosomes at the A4M and by chance, the nurse of my friend who had bought me dinner 10 years earlier heard me speak; she suggested a trial for the doctor’s very severe trigeminal neuralgia of a year’s duration.
In 2022, while doing surgery with a harmonic scalpel device, she experienced pain in her left eye. She had also been vaccinated with the Pfizer mRNA spike protein x3. Over weeks, it became unbearable pain around her eye associated with tearing. Psych and pain meds were unable to control the agony and she was considering ending her life.
Well, in Jan 2023, fate would have it that I was traveling close enough for a trial of nasal exosomes, and after a triple nasal dose into each side, her pain resolved within days.
I’m currently in Miami where this neuralgia doctor/patient AGAIN bought me dinner! After dinner, she told me she was preparing for a violin performance with shoulder pain. So, I treated her again for an obvious rotator cuff tendinosis. Here is a picture from last night’s 3-hr chat about all things family, career, relationships, and esoteric last night

It is incredibly gratifying to facilitate the end of suffering for this very productive wife, mother, doctor, researcher, musician, sex therapist, and holistic integrative medical doctor. Just as with shaman friend, it just seems that some paths were meant to cross.
This trip started in Dallas. As with most trips, my patients consist of mostly repeat patients with new problems and close friends of patients. For example, my real estate coach friend of 25 years got another treatment since we already resolved problems with scars, shoulder damage, hip pain, back pain, and brain fog. Our firstborn sons were born on the same date in 1999 and this trip, I treated his son, wife, sister, and several close friends. I don’t think it is an accident that we are friends either. I remember trick-or-treating with our four boys years ago and the next thing you know, he’s on the stage with his dad and those two sons in front of an audience of 5,200 people. I printed him a selfie sticker photo because it felt like a really meaningful moment for him.
In Dallas, another 64 yo martial artist had a torn adductor thigh muscle, damaged shoulder, and back pain which are all nearly undetectable; he wants to get ahead of the curve.
Tomorrow, I journey to NYC to retreat the umpire on Staten Island with tinnitus, trigeminal pain, and hyperacusis after head trauma who had been fine for nearly two years as described in this blog. He recently was exposed to some noise and the problems have recurred but he has faith if it worked once, it may work again.
I also have patients coming from NJ and Maryland on Labor Day to receive treatments because they continue to have real benefits even at ages 61 and 91. If you know, you know and, once you realize you can fix what is broken, you don’t want to accept permanent injury if you can do something to ameliorate it.
Here is a video explaining repeat treatments. As I say, sometimes the genie can grant many wishes from the same lamp.
"I think you called me here"
In another odd synchronicity 12 years ago while lecturing at A4M, I also met my friend, the Brazilian shaman, who graciously gave me a childhood regression energy healing which was remarkable. I asked her why she was at the conference and she mysteriously stated, “I think you called me here.”
Years later, the shaman would need my help in permanently resolving her dental pain as described in this blog. Keep in mind the doctor and the shaman have what would be considering incurable diseases and now we are friends for life, like the mouse that pulled the thorn from the proverbial lion’s paws.
And, as a result of her cajoling, I decided to visit her in Melbourne this Spring to attend the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles in Australia a learned so much.
Watch this video to see what I mean.
Here is a picture of me with kangaroos and Antonia, the shaman I met “by accident” a dozen years ago. This was from only a few months ago in Melbourne. The more I experience synchronicity, the less I think these relationships are at all accidental.