When metabolic syndrome is reversed, inflammation, free radicals, and dysfunctional biochemical pathways lessen and that creates a milieu for healthier lifestyle choices like exercise, sleep, and general happiness.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
Study shows stomach stapling makes people younger? Fat Chance!

I want to introduce you to an interesting study suggesting that bariatric surgery makes you younger.  Bariatric surgery may mean stapling, banding, diversion, but the common goal is to create malabsorption; it aims to make digestion and therefore caloric intake difficult.

stomach stapling as life extention?


Interestingly, the author states:

“This is the first study to demonstrate that surgical weight loss leads to decreased aging by increasing telomere length”

I don’t think that surgery is doing that directly. The inability to sustain weight from decreased caloric consumption causes reversal of metabolic syndrome, a condition of chronic insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, high cholesterol and inflammation is probably.

When metabolic syndrome is reversed, inflammation, free radicals, and dysfunctional biochemical pathways lessen and that creates a milieu for healthier lifestyle choices like exercise, sleep, and general happiness.

I’m going to try to explain this with an analogy.  Let’s say you have a soccer team comprised of 20-year-olds, 30-year-olds, and 40-year-olds. The older guys don’t work as hard, get injured, and want to throw back beer and smoke cigars between matches. The team is losing games, losing fans, and attendance is down.

Now, I give a sniper the instructions to shoot anyone with a receding hairline or grey hair. All of a sudden, only the younger players are on the field. Attendance increases, fans connect, and games are won.  Would we say that snipers win soccer games and build franchises? Why not say that sniper scopes are associated with improved foam finger sales?

People like to simply things. They use code.  But sometimes the semiotics obfuscate the underlying mechanisms at work. So when it comes to making conclusions about surgery (that has a very high risk and permanent and serious consequences) representing a way to get younger, we need to be skeptical.

To understand how TA may have changed me from this 32-yo with metabolic syndrome:

age 32

To this 46-yo yogini:


Watch my 14th podcast on Obesity:

podcast 14 "Obesity"



To learn 5 ways to increase your telomerase activity naturally, check out this 3-in-one offer for a trial bottle, signed copy of my book, and a 15 minute consultation all for just $219 (a $500 value)


Today’s blog is a lamentable example of the 2,450 studies relating shortened telomeres to disease. Millions of dollars and milliions of lives will be spent trying to prove what is obvious to me. That there is only one disease with many faces.  The face of this disease is metabolic syndrome, which I believe is an accumulation of aged and mutated adipose fat stem cells in the visceral fat.


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