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Roseanne Rosannadanna and the truth about life insurance

As a physician, I’ve noticed that people explain health and disease in three main ways:

Heredity: “My mother’s brother had that.”
Luck: “These things come in threes”
Cosmic retribution for something we did or didn’t do: “I ate a lot of junk food as a teenager and that’s why I got colon cancer.”

But if you think about your body like a car, you wouldn’t bring a car with 300,000 miles to the mechanic and insist:

“I knew the engine block was going to blow because Toyota Corollas in my family have done that in the past.” (Heredity)

“My transmission broke because nothing good ever happens to me since I bet against my own Red Sox to win the World Series.” (Luck)

“My transmission is shot because I have a lead foot.” (Karma)

If we extend the car analogy, then here are some failures in our bodies and our cars:

Heart attack———→ Engine trouble
Osteoporosis——-→ chassis deterioration
Hip and Knee replacement ——-→ struts and shocks
Wrinkles and skin cancer ——→ Dings and paint damage
Alzheimers——–→ Electrical failure
Colon Cancer—–→ Muffler 😉

Now I’m not trying to say that heredity and abuse/maintenance aren’t huge factors in causing disease. They are. But when a car has 300,000 miles, are any of those explanations even called for?

With cars, the problem is the wear and tear that comes with mileage. With people, the problem is replicative senescence that comes with aging. But for both, Roseanne Rosannadanna’s old saying applies:
“If it’s not one thing, it’s another.”

It’s true. Did you you realize that in retrospect, 3 out of 4 people who develop a cancer have NO FAMILY HISTORY for that cancer!

Ironically, Gilda Radner may be the exception that proves the rule when it comes to family history and cancer: she was a carrier for BRCA1 mutation and therefore had an 85% lifetime chance of breast cancer and a 45% chance of ovarian cancer.

WHY, you ask? Well, BRCA1 codes for an enzyme that repairs our DNA. Mutations in that crucial nanomachine make it hard to fix the inevitable errors that occur with copying stem cell DNA millions of times over.

But even without that genetic time bomb, Gilda, like all of us, had a theoretical 100% chance of developing every cancer if she had only lived to hundreds of years old. In keeping with the metaphor, a car driven forever will eventually develop a problem in every system.

Luckily, your body is far superior to any mere machine. It is endowed with the ability to self-renew and self-repair using its own immortalized stem cells.

So don’t focus on which organ is going to “go rogue.” Focus on keeping those organs well maintained by protecting nuclear DNA before the damage can occur. With TA-65 and telomerase activation, you are living in the first generation of humans who can roll back their odometers and maximize their healthy lifespans.

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