Click the image above to read about the Univ of Montreal study showing that TERRA, a non-coding RNA molecule that associates with telomeres like the hair on corn (sort of), may be what attracts the telomerase to damaged ends, like colors of flowers attract bees.
here is the link to the study: http://tinyurl.com/olbueso
Of note, this conclusion is the opposite one of an earlier study suggesting that TERRA is promoting telomere erosion:
What is my guess? Well, deciding that TERRA is causing erosion may be like blaming firemen for fires because they are intimately associated with the event every time you look. The causal sequence is important and so direct observational studies like the one at Univ of Montreal are an important part of the puzzle.
Read my book, “Telomere Timebombs” for more thoughts on the limitations of science via purely deductive reasoning.