When you think of all the great places we visit, shouldn't you make the most of your journeys by adjusting immediately to the new time zone?
Reading Time: 2 minutes
No Jet lag after 33 time zones changes, public speaking, and snowboarding

905938_10153884446110631_8552104776256379947_oLast Wednesday evening, I took a 13-hr flight to Korea which was +17 hrs in time difference. I slept a good 8 hours on the plane and although I arrived at dawn in Korea, I didn’t feel the need to nap after I arrived, instead staying up until my body’s 0600 AM (11PM Korea time) being social and having dinner with my host.

The next morning,  I gave a 90-minute keynote address at the Korean Association of Anti-Aging Medicine and stayed out until 11PM dining with some physicians (again, 0600 Los Angeles time).



I stayed on Korean time Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, when I boarded my return flight.  On it, I slept 7 hours on the trip back to Los Angeles and then adjusted immediately right back to -16 hrs (Korea doesn’t observe daylight savings time).


The next day, I drove six hours to Mammoth Mountain and Thursday we were out snowboarding on the mountain. I am currently third day back on California time without any naps, daytime drowsiness, or problems sleeping.

To what do I owe this? To “Lokahi”- or balanced flow of my RECHARGE supplement.  I took it around-the-clock, used 4-8mg of melatonin when arriving to the new timezone, and I also get plenty of sunlight.

When you think of all the great places we visit, shouldn’t you make the most of your journeys by adjusting immediately to the new time zone?

The next time you travel, travel with some RECHARGE and a little melatonin and you won’t miss a beat!


To learn more about circadian rhythm, watch this podcast on the subject.

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