Bob, our friend with the improving neuropathy, was kind enough to write a book review
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My first book review is in!

I am pleased to announce that I’m done with my non-fiction book on exosomes. Once I get the endorsements and finish the cover, it will be ready to launch Oct 27th.  The book consists mainly of answering the questions: “What are exosomes?” “How is this a new paradigm?” and “What are the scientific and anecdotal data to suggest they can help heal us?”

It features about 184 pages, 46 full color illustrations, and 106 references. It will be available through Amazon as a print-on-demand title or as an E-Book.

I will also be offering personalized and signed copies on my website at (future link to follow to preorder your signed copy). 

 If you want to give the gift of knowledge and hope, this will be a great stocking stuffer for the holidays!

Here is a review of my book by Bob, the featured patient in this blog about Saint Thaddeus and leg neuropathy.

This is a picture of Bob with a 17 year gap in ages. Except for the legs, he is still very strong! 



[Dr. Park’s book] is a peek into a future that has just arrived like a crying baby. It describes healing in a way only dreamed of 20 years ago. Now we wil

l witness the growth of this child as it gains knowledge, vocabulary, and strength and will soon become a thriving, trailblazing, and healing contributor to many human health conditions big and small. A couple decades ago the idea of regenerative medicine was just a hopeful wish. “What? Using our own bodies to repair, recreate systems, and heal ourselves outside of the lab? Pffft” These concepts seemed far from the possibility of the ordinary Joe. In most minds, these were futurist ideas confined to laboratory settings that most of us had no physical or financial access to. Like the auto show magnetic floating futuristic dream car that never will be ours. The future is here. Not only is it now and accessible, we can own it. I do. 

 I am a walking (literal) example of the results of exosome therapy. My story is in the book, so there is no need to repeat here. I am Builder Bob. Read all about it! As you can imagine, my successful results have turned me into an evangelist of sorts, looking for an ear to soothe the troubled body with the story of the healing and regenerative power built into each of us just waiting to be set in motion by exosomes. Most have not heard of them, or are slightly suspicious of this healing force that already exists within us. Too good to be true! If you do not know of exosome power, you need to read this book. If you do know of exosome power, you need to read this book. Dr. Park is on the leading edge of this treatment, and delivers beautifully the story of the healing prowess of exosomes. He also helps provide a backdrop of how this works. You will be taken through some basics, and touch on a few scientific facts that may seem deep for the layman (that’s me. please be patient, it’s worth it), but are very helpful to understand the forces behind this simple, yet complex solution on the way to regenerative health. 
Don’t worry. Dr. Park is not trying to make a scientist of you. You don’t need to be an automotive engineer to understand the value of an auto, but we all learn the basics in them that allow us to get from point A to B. The point here is to inform and educate you. If you already know of the healing power of exosomes, it will reinforce you. You will also be thrilled at the anecdotal stories of many of us who have been healed, or improved. It’s thoughtfully, beautifully, and sometimes humorously written for all by a wonderful altruistic man whose life mission shifted mid stream to help give birth to a hidden healing force within us all.
Say hello to the child of the future.

4 thoughts on “My first book review is in!”

  1. Terry (Sidney) Oldberg

    Dear Ed
    I’d like to read your book on exosome therapy. Is it published yet?


    Terry aka Sidney) Oldberg
    Patient of yours

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