At 87, mom has had 39 exosome sessions and has had almost her whole body treated. She lives pain free and when something acts up, she just gets another shot.
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Mom has an exosome addiction

When I first heard the anecdote about preternatural repair from a motorcycle accident by a physician, I wanted to try it on myself. It helped with my meniscus, rotator cuff, and Achilles’ tendon. 

I also tried nasal injection and it unlocked the ability of voluntary goosebumps which has remained since. I have been afraid of unlocking other abilities but last week, I was offered complimentary exosomes so I did a triple dose nasally and I have to say I’ve been emotionally resilient, production, and pretty sharp although my sleep requirement is high and my MOTN (midddle-of-the-night) awakenings have become abrupt.

I keep three spreadsheets: one for inventory, one for adverse reactions, and one for a tally of procedures. At this time, 5+ years of practice has my numbers around 2500 procedures in over 1000 visits, in over 500 patients. Here is a histogram of some of the kinds of procedures we have done.


I am patient #1 with 33 sessions, and although my 87-yo mom is patient #2, she has had a few more sessions than I. Why do people repeat? Because once you experience positive change in one area, you naturally want it for other areas.

As for mom, since 2019, she has had 39 sessions and we have done a lot of different procedures. From epidural, nasal, shoulder, back, hips, knees, ankles, wrists, hamstrings, Achilles’, foot arteries, IV, micro-needling. She loves it and believes it has helped her stay active. She drives her little X3 BMW back and forward from the Indian casino, builds chain-link fences, and lives independently between two homes. 

Things we've learned

In 2019, as with all years, coronavirus accounted for 20% of the common colds. After a shoulder injection, she said she lost her sense of smell for two weeks after an upper respiratory infection she thinks she caught from an optometry tech who was coughing and had bad breath.

Mom also had one of two incidents of vein swelling, without pain or clotting, that I’ve seen. It subsided after a day without intervention.

Finally, this latest go-around, she felt her blood pressure was low and she was lightheaded, underscoring the need to be careful in older people with stiff cerebral circulation, of the prominent increase in vagal tone, which accounts for the sleepiness and the calmness. 

Exosomes for life

I like to tell doctors that there is no competition in this area because once you have a patient, they are a patient for life. The inflammation in your body increases your risk for bad things, like immune dysregulation, aging, musculoskeletal problems, brain dysfunction, leaky gut, and aging itself. 

If your pain goes away, it might mean you are healed; but if you are old, it might also mean that the ligament or tendon stopped trying. When we scan the shoulders of asymptomatic people in their 80’s , a majority of people have such severe injury that there is actual disconnection.

What is the difference between your lack of pain and mom’s lack of pain? Yours may be disconnected without a chance of recovery. Mom’s might be repair to the point of retained function. 


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