So.... twelve weeks after my spending nearly $9,000 of my non-existent advertising budget to promote my book and TA-65, the supply of TA-65 actually ran out temporarily although my own sales were at an all-time low.
Reading Time: 3 minutes
I would rather be loved than feared – which is why I’m a baker and not a bona fide drug lord…

Enzo is a minor character in the Godfather Saga, like myself. But sometimes, even minor characters can play a major role in the cosmic unfolding of things:

Enzo pays his respects

I received a couple of nice emails today after my blog suggesting that many people enjoy reading what I write yet order TA from others. Here is the first from Bernie, a long-time patient:

Every word written is true. I remember the scene but didn’t notice the “telomerase algorithm” comment.  He felt that the most significant changes were the positive attitude and energy level that resulted from the regimen. Isn’t that what we all want? If Karma exists then your account is vast. God bless you and your family.

And this email came from Nina, the 43 yo previously infertile patient who is expecting her second child in a month and who attributes both her children and saving her husband from brain trauma to TA  (German is her first language):

Hi Ed

I Hope this e Mail reaches you- i wanted to keep  you Updated that My due Date is in 4 Weeks and everThing seems Fine… Are you still in contact with dr zach from whom i got My Last ta 65. ? There are few doctors like you who Really care about their patients:-) Not only Money

Hope you are Doing Fine


My patients are the best!  If you tell me the names and emails of TA-65 users that you introduced to my work, I will be happy to personally reach out to them and give them the letter explaining why I don’t agree with the instructions that come with the package insert…

This interview explains why so many celebs take TA but don’t want to admit it. I will be posting many of these short interview questions in the next few weeks:

The last closet in Hollywood


I recently a very famous actor from “The Godfather”  sign up for a trial bottle recently (possibly after reading one of my 1500 special editions of Telomere Timebombs that I printed and included in the gift bags of events honoring Jerry Bruckheimer and Oprah Winfrey)

For whatever reason, he didn’t want to respond to my email and phone call. I guess he “vanted to be alone” to quote the great Greta Garbo. 🙂   I also discretely handed a requested, free trial bottle to one the most famous athletes of our time yet he couldn’t be bothered to respond to my personal letter even though we have occasion to see each other several times a year socially.  Where is the love (or the manners) in these folks?   Well, it’s all a tragedy because I could have helped them understand what the experience should and shouldn’t have been. You aren’t buying gasoline at ARCO; taking TA is a system-wide regeneration with extremely variable interpersonal phenomena.

So…. twelve weeks after my spending nearly $9,000 of my non-existent advertising budget to promote my book and TA-65, the supply of TA-65 actually ran out temporarily although my own sales were at an all-time low.

Could that have anything to do with my books in 1500 gift bags? Who knows? All I know is that as a minor ‘drug dealer’, I owe the drug lords so please, consider buying from me because waking up to the smell of coffee is a lot nicer than the smell of severed horse head. 

It’s like I gave you the best table in my Italian restaurant, you enjoyed your dining experience, and then resolve to return with your friends…but you pay the bills to the greasy spoon next door or “The Don” instead of me.  I want you to think of ‘our thing’ like the hidden ties between like Michael and Enzo- we’re like a family…  And if you happen to be a person who guards his or her privacy, it can be about “omerta” and I won’t tell anyone that you are buying the supplement from me and are under my care.  But just don’t ever take sides with anyone against our family, capische?

1 thought on “I would rather be loved than feared – which is why I’m a baker and not a bona fide drug lord…”

  1. Jim Carrington

    Thank you Dr Parks for your dedication to your patients. And I will continue to buy my TA-65 from you.

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