I am currently writing a book about exosomes and you would think that with such great results many of my patients have had using exosomes, that it would be easy. But it is not. To quote Isaac Asimov: “I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I’ll believe anything, no matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it. The wilder and more ridiculous something is, however, the firmer and more solid the evidence will have to be.” My insecurity about writing a book touting medical miracles is in direct proportion to just how remarkable the results are.
The Story of my Life
Last week, I blogged about a patient who had microneedling with exosomes added and she felt she looked better. I already told you the “after” photo was with makeup but the feedback I got was that the results were “too good to be true”.
I get it but what am I supposed to do about your incredulity? Here is a picture of me aging almost twenty-three years on telomerase activators and exosomes. No photoshop and no filter. I still get carded for alcohol monthly and there is very little grey hair and no reading glasses.

I thought that showing remarkable results would help but for the unprepared mind, it triggers only contempt. At trade shows, I can see it in their faces as they pass: “tsk, tsk…he should be ashamed of himself” seems to be the general reaction when they get a look at my actual patients’ results below:

I can't even believe it!
If we are using Asimov’s criteria, I have to agree that just because a patient believes something, that doesn’t mean it wasn’t just placebo or attribution bias. In the case of the man with apparent hair restoration, he actually had a nocebo effect. Although he had taken minoxidil before, he claims restarting it was the key factor, not the amniotic fluid and MSC exosomes that I microneedled into his scalp.
For the patient with Bell’s palsy, for a null hypothesis, I have to wonder why and how did she manage to fake a facial nerve palsy which then resolved after exosome injection. Pretty sneaky but it probably involves botox and some form of personality disorder, right? But why did she pay to undergo this ruse? The mind boggles.
For the man with leaky gut, mast cell activation, spider veins, and eczema, I don’t know what his game is either but since he paid me money, he must have just doctored his photos to fool me into thinking he got better, right?
Why would they lie?
Recently, a woman pretended to be a 1 billion dollar lottery winner, saying she just wanted to be on TV. I suppose that could be happening with the Long Covid affected man who says his cognition is returning. The Long Covid department at the Mayo Clinic basically told him not to try exosomes and now that he feels better, they are sure it is just a placebo.
Remember Bob (Thaddeus) with his sensation, circulation, and strength returning to his neuropathic legs? He must be really good at faking symptoms and then deluding himself, right?
Things you do believe in
Now that I’ve done over 1700 injections, I have no choice but to believe that in most cases, exosomes can be associated with some remarkable changes. There is science, anecdotal evidence, and well, it is just too hard to imaging that people like paying a lot of money to treat fake symptoms that later go away.
Many people believe that the universe is a just place and that the media, corporations, and politicians act in the best interests of our society. The non-reporting of events like the WEF-induced collapse of Sri Lanka, extrajudicial chaos in Haiti and El Salvador, and other political upheavals are proof that the biggest stories of the day are the Barbie and Oppenheimer movies. The fact that drug companies and federal regulators are one and the same persons is proof that they also have our best interests at heart. And the national debt now at going from 8 to 30 Trillion dollars since President Obama took office is proof that our government is not a money-laundering scam.
And yet if a man stops having diarrhea and bloated skin after receiving exosomes, or another man regrows hair, that is somehow too much to believe? I get it. It seems to good to be true. But I don’t understand why many of you think that voting and dutifully paying your taxes contributes to something other than “taxation without representation” and more loss of freedom. We are all enablers of a one-party state posing as a duopoly, permanently aligned with corporate interests, and serviced by politicians, lobbyists, and businessmen who would stop at nothing to enhance their careers and line their pockets.
Ask the descendants of those killed in Hiroshima if America is the greatest force for good the world has seen. Ask the people in the Arab world who had their regimes changed whether they are better off? There is a lot of stuff you believe in that I can find very little evidence to support but somehow, I have to be constantly accused of confabulation. Sorry to vent in such a salty fashion, but I can’t really make you change your beliefs and if a patient states something is better, then there is at least the possibility that they are not wrong about their results.
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