My feelings cannot be fractally scaled out like an accordion to experience the accelerated loss of loved ones or ennui with my fourth century of watching reruns of sports, TV premises, movies and wars. I am aware that accidental death and dismemberment are always lurking because I have no reason to think that they wouldn't. I guess I just feel ... the same. Life has its own rhythm and it happens, as trite as it may sound, one day at a time. If we are healthy, sleep sends us home each night and with each new day we reboot the operating system and live out the programming.
Reading Time: 4 minutes
How does it feel to be immortal? My answer might surprise you…

For today, I am posting pictures for a bona fide #ThrowbackThursday (#TBT),  a meme that has become popular on social media for posting of old pictures.  The paradoxical thing is my older pictures make me look older than my more recent ones, where I’m actually older.

Because I have been taking adaptogenic nutriceuticals, I honestly now believe I am not getting older and have actually gotten physically younger.  (pause for spit takes

(Well, I will post my DNA evidence and functional biomarker evidence in subsequent posts for you non-believers.)

I am sharing these DMV photos from age 40, 45, and 47.  I currently host precisely four grey hairs on my body and they reside on my lower face. I was asked by a friend last night if I wouldn’t be sad knowing that my loved ones were going to pass away while I didn’t get any older?  I said no because if they were wise, they would eventually join the negligible senescence bandwagon and stick around.


2007 ehp


2012 ehp


2014 ehp

I am actually quite bemused by my own feelings about not getting older.  I assumed it would feel like the opposite of existential crisis, but it does not.

Heretofore, I always considered the human condition as being defined by the scarcity of time and the preciousness of years. I assumed that most people who age must experience existential crises from time to time, but this may not be true.


EXISTENTIALISM is not so much predicated on scarcity as it is the empiric, practical self-assignation of meaning as versus the theoretical or conjectural process of making meaning. And I believe that most aging people are quite happy with the metaphysical and epistemological foundations of their lives.

And the antonyms for CRISIS seem to fail what I am experiencing: blessing, breakthrough, calm, good fortune, peace, success, certainty.

That’s mostly because feelings can’t be fractally scaled-out like an accordion to experience the accelerated loss of loved ones or ennui with my fourth century of watching reruns of sports, TV premises, movies and wars.

I am aware that accidental death and dismemberment are always lurking because I have no reason to think that they wouldn’t. But unlike the premise of the “Highlander” movie franchise, thankfully, there can be more than one immortal and we don’t have to wield broadswords.

I guess I just feel … the same. Life has its own rhythm and it happens, as trite as it may sound, one day at a time. If we are healthy, sleep sends us home each night and with each new day we reboot the operating system and live out the programming.

“I die daily” 

Paul, 1 Corinthians 15:31

So what is my state of mind now that I’ve become this other kind of person?  This Übermensche or Homo sapiens eternalis?   Well, it’s really just the “same as it ever was.”  Same as it ever was?! …just like in this video by the genius, Asperger’s prophet and space man, David Byrne.  (I get chills at 1:20 when he does the thing with his arm because it reminds me of the shortening of telomeres and all that entails.)


Once in a Lifetime

In conclusion, the grass is green. Just like on your side of the fence. No better. No worse. But now, it’s like I’m playing chess in a Bergman movie without a clock and we’re competing for the “best  x out of 2x+1”.
“No offense but, you may have all the time in the world, but I have a job to do”

Time isn’t holding up
Time is an asterisk
Same as it ever was…
Same as it ever was…
Same as it ever was…
Same as it ever was…
Same as it ever was…
Same as it ever was…
Same as it ever was…
Yeah, the twister comes
Here comes the twister
Same as it ever was…
 (from “Once in a Lifetime” by The Talking Heads)
                       (digital photo created by Corey Cowan)

5 thoughts on “How does it feel to be immortal? My answer might surprise you…”

  1. David J Laurie

    Interesting evidence of the effects of your regimen Dr. Park. Very cool.. We will need life extension to be able to travel to and explore the potentially habitable planets which Kepler and TESS ans JWST are/will find.. If we had nuclear pulse technology.. or even the Compact Fusion which Lockheed is making progress – I am hopeful eventually we can become a space faring beings. Thanks for your help and your KSA’s .. I do find your views on life and the cosmos refreshing and interesting. Please keep us abreast of your milestones on growing younger and youthful. Carpe Diem!!! Strain the wine…

  2. Steve Hanson

    Well I don’t think it IS the same as it ever was. If we don’t have to rush to finish a task, especially one which involves creative thinking and prototyping, we can change our mode of operation to more like a turtle. Slow and steady. It’s interesting noting the parallels between “slow and steady” and the life spans of sea turtles. Do you suppose there is some kind of subtle implication when we watch them?
    I’ve often noticed that the people who move the fastest are often not the most productive. But the ones who move in solid forward steps turn out to be the stars.
    Tortoise and Hare syndrome.
    If we can now consider behaving more like the former, perhaps we wouldn’t fly past observations we should be making. You can’t take the road less traveled if you miss its existence because you were in a hurry.

  3. Terry Oldberg

    For a chronologically old person like me, one of the joys of getting physically younger from lengthening one’s telomeres is for previously incurable ailments one has picked up over the years to reverse and then disappear. For me, the latest to disappear is essential tremor in my right arm. Dr. Park and I have tracked the amplitude of my tremor over the past three years as it has declined toward zero. Faculties I have recovered in this way include ability to reliably and intelligibly write in longhand.

    Essential tremor is a disorder of the brain. As few neurons regenerate I suspect it is senescent glial cells of my brain that have been replaced with young ones through telomerase activation.

    Neurologists classify essential tremor as a movement disorder. At age 45 I picked up another such disorder: spasmodic dysphonia This disorder disabled control by my brain of the muscle tone in my larynx making it difficult or impossible to speak. Having trouble speaking was very disabling from an occupational point of view and was deadly to a career path that required frequent public speaking. After three years of telomerase activation therapy under Dr. Park’s care this disorder is fading out but at a slower pace than my essential tremor. Perhaps my once promising career will rise from the ashes.

  4. at a certain time I was not able to afford TA-65. however I have pictures of how I changed after using it for a few months.
    young people looked at me like I had two heads, especially/ because I had been operated on my brain stem for a meningioma tumor. it is now 2 1/2 years into recovery. I would like to start back on it but for now I am using lokahi.

  5. Deborah Kimsey

    Hello Dr. Park, I am a Naturopath Research Scientist and Consultant. I have been studying certain paths to Immortality for the past 39 years privately. I am developing my own formulas in the near future which certainly restores our Original DNA. I have been working to speed this up as much as humanly possible. I like your way of thinking in many ways and would like to integrate our knowledge together if you ever are interested. What I know will enhance what you are doing, yet I want to make my products more affordable for the average person income. This is necessary for all humans. Well, this is all I can say for now. You have my email. If you want to contact me. Thank you for sharing, Debbie Kimsey

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