working for peanutes
Reading Time: 3 minutes
“Hey Dr. Park, what’s going on at RevGenetics?”

I have received three emails in the last 24 hours asking me what is going on with the RevGenetics company because they have updated their website to read: “We don’t recommend TA-65 since November of 2013.”  Here is a screenshot from their website:

Screen Shot 2013-11-30 at 11.19.56 PM


(Uh, ok, guys….mixed message much?)

As a matter of disclosure, I don’t know and I have never spoken to anyone associated with the largest-volume distributor of TA-65, RevGenetics.

So I will keep my remarks factual and leave it to the reader to infer what may be going on behind the scenes between TA Sciences and RevGenetics.


Fact 1: RevGenetics has been the largest volume distributor of TA-65 for many years. They still have TA-65 for sale on their website.

Fact 2: Dr. HF Valenzuela, the Chief Science Officer of RevGenetics authored a peer-reviewed journal article proving that TA-65 activates telomerase in humans. The link to this article is still active on their website.

Fact 3: RevGenetics has a product that contains nutraceutical molecules for “telomere support”

Fact 4: TA-65 has three or four peer-reviewed articles supporting its safety and efficacy and is the only Astragalus-derived telomerase activator with a patent granted for that indication.


I would like to point out that over many years, many people have told me that they order from RevGenetics or the other big player, ‘TA-65Direct” (aka ‘TA-65 Doctor”)  to save a few dollars or to get some vacation points.  The manufacturer of TA-65 sets the retail pricing but those sites have found ways to convince many of my former and would-be patients to order from them instead of me, despite becoming convinced to take it by watching my videos.  I have even had people think that TA-65 was somehow my product and that they were buying from me.


To be perfectly clear, I don’t make any money from purchases of TA-65 that aren’t made directly from my office or website,


But why should anyone choose to buy from me?  Let me just say that the method by which I advise people to take TA-65 is totally different from the package insert method and I believe in many cases, works better.  I have had many clients say they never felt the effects until they used it my way and felt that they had literally flushed thousands of dollars down the toilet.  I have never hesitated to share my instructions with anyone, free of charge, and will continue to do so. Just email me at

Most people prefer to remain anonymous and save a few dollars so they order from slick websites. Think of it like do-it-yourself medical advice or LegalZoom, which I use and love BTW.  But TA-65 is not just a molecule that accumulates, like lead or iron, in your body.  It is a potent functional modulator acting to preserve and replace stem cells.  There are a myriad of effects which can result and which can best be interpreted by an experienced clinician.  I am probably the most experienced in this regard and my 150,000 views on YouTube and my book “Telomere Timebombs” have probably done much to convince people to try TA-65 and to understand what it is doing.

If you are one of those who used to order from me and jumped ship to RevGenetics or that other site, I welcome you back to the Recharge Biomedical fold. I want to hear your stories, help you maximize your investment, and will try to match whatever price you were getting (unless it was one that is violation of the manufacturer’s guidelines.)  Instead of focusing on marketing, I have spent my time trying to educate the world about telomerase activation and that focus has been reflected in my rather unsustainable business model.

I still provide free concierge medical care, education, advice, and biomarker testing, but that may soon be changing.  It is lamentable that people don’t think you are worth anything if you aren’t willing to charge for your time. That said, I would consider it a honor to do what I do for free, which at this moment in time, might actually represent a bump up in my salary.  🙂

working for peanutes

All the best,

Dr. Ed Park

5 thoughts on ““Hey Dr. Park, what’s going on at RevGenetics?””

  1. Hiii Dr Park I could have ordered from others but for the last 2 years you have answered EVERY email and phone call even while on vacation ..I consider that to be so very personal and shows that you really care for your patients so I will certainly continue ordering TA 65 from you ..By the way I am halfway through the book VERY informative xxx Joyce

  2. Hi Dr. Park,
    I’ve been taking TA65 for 10 months. I’ve been hoping to heal my hip. I have mild degenerative age related arthritis. Kaiser told me to wait until I needed a hip replacement.I’ve used prolo therapy and PRT in it before I began trying TA65. Is there any hope of it actually regenerating? It seems to be somewhat better since I’ve been taking 4 capsules per day. And if there is hope, how many capsules should I be taking?

  3. Mark Kleinsmith

    Alice…I am in the same boat with you as to osteoarthritis in my hip and have received the same medical advice from my Ortho Doc as you received from Kaiser. I am currently looking into Prolo, PRP and Stem Cell injections…I have an appointment in about 2 weeks to be examined for these options. I too want to avoid the surgery. I have been reading about TA-65 for general anti-aging for almost 2 years and have not yet started taking it. So with my recent diagnosis of my hip issue I am now even more interested and have made contact with Dr Park to get more info. I hope you find some answers too.

  4. Dr park can it be possible that after one week on ta65 I feel better can suddenly exercise without muscle pain? Ride my bike without feeling frail. Oh the eye thing I have cataracts in both eyes have to operate but the clearer vision is for me unbelievable can this be ? I am 62. Have had lifeof body weakness low immunity I work here in Switzerland with a biological Doctor we do infusions and ozone therapy but this is more effective. But the cancer thing ? Is it real ?im all upset because I feel just different its a big improvement of my life quality.

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