Some happy patients
In their own words...
"[I noticed improvement in my Bell's palsy] after about 10 hours" (See blog 38)
Elane SFormer Bell's Palsy patient 
"The left knee is cured; the right knee is just a discomfort" - Doug who has run 2020 miles already this year after exosomes (see this video)
Doug Malewicki81yo elite runner 
"it's only been a week since I had the exosome shot and I'm already doing squats with weights" read more here
Deb B66yo who does 100 squats daily now 
"After 3 years, allergic facial bloating disappeared in two weeks after exosomes" (see blog 28)
"Rocky B"48yo man with foot intolerance/?leaky gut 
"My hands and feet are always warm now" (one day after arterial exosomes - see blog 35)
Young Joo Parkmy 83yo mom