For #WebinarWednesday, I want to post a 16-minute interview I did recently with author and thought-leader, G. Edward Griffin. In this though-provoking exchange, I explain where humanity is going and why we can live hundreds of years. I predict that no one is every going to collect Social Security benefits although we will probably keep paying into the system. (Sorry Ben Franklin, it's really only taxes we can count on now)
Reading Time: < 1 minute
Dr. Park interviewed about living hundreds of years

For #WebinarWednesday, I want to post a 16-minute interview I did recently with author and thought-leader, G. Edward Griffin.  In this though-provoking exchange,  I explain where humanity is going and why we can live hundreds of years.

I predict that no one is every going to collect Social Security benefits although we will probably keep paying into the system. (Sorry Ben Franklin, it’s really only taxes we can count on now)

Dr. Park interviewed by Ed Griffin

4 thoughts on “Dr. Park interviewed about living hundreds of years”

  1. Terry Oldberg

    Dr. Park:
    Toward the end of the interview, I heard you say that the level of some quantity is tripled for 14 hours. What is this quantity, what is the substance that produces this response, what is the dose of this substance and what is the significance of this response for one’s health?

  2. Dr Park, I agree that telomere science is indisputable at this point, that maintaining telomere length – likely via telomerase activation – is key to great longevity, but the evidence that TA-65 or any of the other purported TA products at this point produces that effect is, it seems to me, not nearly as convincing. Do you see the latter issue differently?

  3. Please can you advise do you have a product that can be purchased onlinee for daily consumption if so can you furnish a link Blessings Anthony

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