Contrary to what science and doctors have been telling you, high cholesterol in blood, to say nothing of dietary intake, is NOT associated with cardiac mortality
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Cholesterol is good for you

The most recent understanding is that contrary to what science and doctors have been telling you, high cholesterol in blood, to say nothing of dietary intake, is NOT associated with cardiac mortality. I came to the same conclusion years ago…

How is this possible? Well science is carried forward by dogma and people don’t easily think about causation at a deeper level. Read this article for more info.

For a deep dive into cholesterol, watch this video that I made (in three parts).
I maintain that the link between high cholesterol and disease can be understood as underutilization from a global manifestation of aging and cell hypofunctioning.


5 thoughts on “Cholesterol is good for you”

  1. just fyi, while watching either the first of this cholesterol triptych or the Bone Health podcast on Youtube a link popped up with a “special offer from Dr. Ed Park”. But when I clicked on it the link was dead, giving me the following statement “This site can’t be reached’s server IP address could not be found”. It may need either apoptosis or stem cell renewal…

  2. Jerome B. Peterson

    My wife and I have been getting four bottles of Recharge from Reality Zone per month on an auto ship program, but the last two months they have not shipped us our order, it’s been almost impossible to get ahold of them and when we did we gave them our new card number but have not had any results in getting our Recharge. We are wondering if it would be better to deal with you in getting an auto ship program on your product that would be equivalent of Reality Zones’ Recharge. Sincerely, Jerome Peterson

    1. Hi Jerome,
      Sorry for the trouble. I would prefer you work with our Reality zone partner if at all possible. They are transitioning to a different fulfillment system. Yes, I can help you but I would prefer to not undermine my distributor and friend.

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