Category: Telomere Timebombs

Real patient experiences

Visionary scientist

Paradigm-shifter, Dr. Janet Rowley, dies

Janet Rowley, MD, was known for proposing that cancers are caused by a genetic malfunction, more specifically by translocation of DNA from the ends of one chromosome to another. What is the process that allows this to occur? It is telomere erosion. This is the basis of my unified theory of aging and disease illustrated by this diagram from my book, “Telomere Timebombs: Defusing the Terror of Aging”

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Jerry Bruckheimer honored at the ACA awards

I was fortunate to have the opportunity to include 850 copies of my book, “Telomere Timebombs” in the gift bags of all the guest in attendance. Although some of the celebs are already taking TA-65, perhaps they will take an interest in how it works!

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Oprah honored at the “Women in Entertainment” Ceremony

A special commemorative copy of my book, “Telomere Timebombs”, was placed in the “swag bags” of all 650 guests in attendance. I hope that the guests will find something of value in the book and help to spread the good news about telomerase activation.

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