Category: Telomerase Activation Medicine

Real patient experiences

Which 76-yo telomeres would you rather have?

I would guess that his telomere length would have been LONGER three years ago because there would have been many stem cells in crisis with lengthening but damaged chromosomes. But I believe his percentage of critically-shortened telomeres would have been higher (typically in the teens)

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Patients keep their good results secret

I was contacted last week by a client who has gotten his diabetes under control at the age of 73. He couldn’t be happier but based on his past negative experiences and his desire to maintain respectability as a partner in a prominent law firm, he doesn’t want to endorse me or TA-65 openly.

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The choir preaches back

I did a mini-editorial about a TIME magazine article quoting Blackburn, the Nobel Prize-winner for the discover of telomerase. It generated some interesting comments which went a lot farther than I did.

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“What dreams may come?” or the horrors of the dreaming heuristic

This adaptogenically-enhanced “Lokahi”, or balancing flow of repressed neurosis, will eventually reset the mind/spirit/body to a better state but like a fever, it takes time to break. Bad feelings, anxieties, nightmares – they all serve a purpose. To minimize the frequency and severity of these catharses, focus on happy, abundant, and grateful thoughts before sleep. And it wouldn’t hurt to kiss the person next to you and tell them you love them.

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“Satoshi” had the telomeres of an 85-year-old before taking TA-65

From the outset of his two year course of taking TA-65 at 4 capsules nightly, “Satoshi” (a pseudonym) began feeling healthy, his hair grew stronger, he began to dream vividly. His energy was through the roof and he never got the colds and flus that he used to. Even more interestingly, he grew about an inch in his inseam and his posture and scoliosis improved. All his life, he had felt like an old man, but now, he knew for the first time what if felt like to feel young.

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