Category: Telomerase Activation Medicine

Real patient experiences

Cassandra Syndrome – welcome to my world

I saw people who once struck me as very young-looking now look old and tired. Most of them do know what I do as it is a very small club and people love to gossip and even mock the idea of getting younger.

I was left with a strong feeling of Cassandra Syndrome. She was the daughter of King Priam of Troy who was given the gift of prophecy by Apollo but since she refused his advances, the catch was that no one would believe her.

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Beyond good and evil (or why sometimes an arch is just an arch)

Turning back to triumphs and tragedies in our aging bodies, let’s look at the war in one of our patient’s bodies. In the case of Marty, a 70-yo who took RECHARGE for a year, his average telomere length in creased by 300 base pairs, or roughly 6 year’s worth assuming a rate of 50 bp/year of attrition.

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70 years since Hiroshima Atomic Bomb detonated- is radiation good or bad?

The effects of high level exposure to ionizing radiation are devastating and well-documented. At a level of over 6 grays, the mortality approaches 100% from genetic damage to so many stem cells that you cannot recover.

What is interesting is that a lower level of radiation is actually healthy! This is known as the radiation hormesis phenomenon.

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Happy birthday to me! (Why 48 is the new 28)

I don’t believe I’m getting any older (no grey hairs and no functional impairment). And guess what? That doesn’t feel strange, crazy, or phenomenal. It feels like 28, when age was just an abstraction.

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92-yo man keeps ordering TA-65 for the hair and dreams

This week, I was speaking with my 92-yo patient, Edward L, who kept on telling me he didn’t fell anything different after three years of using a telomerase activator.

So I asked him why he continued using it, and he replied, “it’s the best thing out there”.

When we probed a little deeper, it seems that a lot of his blonde hair was coming back (people love that) and that he started lucid dreaming again.

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