Category: Telomerase Activation Medicine

Real patient experiences

Is Telomere shortening the cause of loss of fertility?

As shown in the graphic, the ability to retrieve eggs is not that uncommon, even in the over 44 population, but the rates of pregnancy are just 5% and live birth only 2%, explaining why the practice is generally frowned upon in this cohort.

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Superheroine, madwoman, or trailblazer? Why choose?

Meet Liz Parris, CEO of BioViva, who last week divulged that that she herself was actually “Patient zero” or first patient was transfected. We are left to hope for the best, say thanks to Liz Parrish for taking a bold step towards her own personal immortality, and will watch and wait.

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For the record: I am not suicidal

I, Edward Park, a physician who is taking telomerase activators and adaptogens to live longer, is NOT suicidal, and am in a state of excellent mental and physical health.

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International Longevity Day (Oct 1) is unintentionally ironic

When we rally around a “War of Aging”, like the “War on Cancer” or the “War of Drugs” it is tantamount to saying that we are invested in the eternal existence of cancer or illicit drug use. If we wanted to solve problems, we would call it a “prevention and destruction of cancer” or a “solutions to the problems associated with illicit drug use”. To read about perpetual war, check out this blog.

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