Category: Telomerase Activation Medicine
Real patient experiences

How the FTC hopes to expunge my work
Who gets to decide what is reliable science if I agree to this gag order? Their paid experts. It is a bit like a self-criticism exercise by a Stalinist dictatorship.

Aging is three problems symbolized by three Hindu dieties
In the Hindu religion, there are three principles represented by the Trimurti or “three forms”: Brahma- the creator, Vishnu- the maintainer, and Shiva- the destroyer.
The very best telomeres are average
Reduced telomere length variation in healthy oldest old
TA-65 lengthens telomeres in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial
Compared with the placebo group and assuming 100 base pair erosion per year, we can say that the low-dose TA-65 group GAINED SEVEN YEARS of viable telomere length.

Anecdotal evidence of rejuvenation in three patients
For those of you waiting for the FDA or a scientific researcher affiliated with Big Pharma or a University to prove that these anecdotes are linked to telomerase activation, you will have to wait a lifetime- yours that is.