Category: Telomerase Activation Medicine

Real patient experiences

Alzheimer’s risk linked to Telomere Length – (Oy Vey)

This is the latest study linking shorter telomeres to disease (there are over 10,000) that once again falls victim to proving obvious yet useless information. In this study, they linked smaller hippocampal volumes (seen in Alzheimer’s) with shorter white blood cell telomeres in a subset of women with a genetic prediliction for Alzheimers (the abnormal ApoE3 gene).

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Thriving after breast cancer

Just yesterday, I was speaking with my patient who remarked that her 88 year old husband and she hadn’t gotten the usual colds for years since starting TA-65. If what we think about immune senescence being at the heart of aging, then it is encouraging that so many patients taking a telomerase activator report decreased severity and frequency of colds and flus.

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Hip pain gone – now let’s dance!

I just wanted to let you know that the TA65 is working on my hip! Two surgeons recommended hip replacement but, then again, that is what they do! When I went to the physical therapist that Ron found, she said that she thought she could help me and she has!!!! I danced for 2 hours at a ballroom dance on Saturday night!!

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