Category: Telomerase Activation Medicine

Real patient experiences

Obama’s approval rating at 46%, mine is 84%!!

You can keep your own score, but in my insignificant opinion, POTUS gets 4 out of 10 and a 40% grade is probably an “F”, unless we grade on a Harvard grade-inflation curve against other current POTUSes, in which case he might be worthy of a third term with an “A”.

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Claudine’s testimonial- aka “The Panacea effect”

I am on TA 65 for a year now and have cut back on a lot of other supplements. I plan of taking TA 65 for the rest of my life. I am 57 years old and feel great. Thank you for your dedication, your educational webcasts and your book. It is all very much appreciated!

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The seven year itch- spouses, cars, and your own body

As an anti-aging physician, I feel I should keep my car alive even though it has so many mechanical, electrical, and cosmetic problems; but as a consumer, I feel that keeping it for an eighth year is nostalgia and frugality gone awry. But as I write about in my book, “Telomere Timebombs”, there are some, like Irv Gordon, who can keep their cars running for 3 Million miles:

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My prophecies for the 50th College reunion

In 2014, it makes many of us sad to realize that our species as a whole, and we as individuals, have been inculcated with structure and meaning as defined by the things we are taught to fear: fear of death, aging, illness, poverty, being unloved, being irrelevant…

The greatest shifts in the human condition won’t be complete until our 75th anniversary in 2089 but surprisingly, most of us will be attending that one in good health at the age of 97!

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